During a child`s course of study at footsteps International School, the child is offered a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our curriculum strongly reflects the ethos of our school and maximizes the potential of every child.
Teachers monitor, and assess children`s work to ensure continuity and progression as the child moves from one academic level to the other.
English Studies: This subject is sub-divided into:
Reading & comprehension:
Reading is taught through a systematic program of phonics as soon as children enter the school. The school has carefully selected a variety of age appropriate books to provide for a balance and structured reading program.
Each class is stocked with well-illustrated reading books, magazines and journals. These special collection of books is used during classroom library hour.
Our main aim is to promote a love for reading which sets the pace for success in further studies. Fluent readers are able to also use their reading skills to seek information from the internet.
Speaking and listening skills are enhanced through role play, drama, and circle time discussions. Children are also exposed to varied audio tapes to enhance their listening skills. The teachers allow the children take turns to read and narrate stories from their personal experiences in the classrooms.
We aim to encourage children to communicate clearly, for a variety of purposes. Each child is taught to express their thought and feelings through writing of letters, writing about themselves, friends, and various topics of interest to the child. Creative and narrative writing are not left out. The children use their phonics knowledge to help them spell and write as a means of communicating through writing.
Good handwriting and presentation are emphasized throughout their years in school. A variety of writing styles including cursive is used for the formation of individual letters and for good handwriting.
Pupils are encouraged to become numerate through a wide variety of skill building and practical activities and experiences. Children learn to explore mathematical problems using the knowledge they have gained and the concepts they have utilized in their course of study.
Science and Technology:
Pupils explore, investigate the world around them by asking questions, finding answers where possible; observation plays a very important part in the teaching of science. Science is essentially a practical subject hence scientific experiments form a large part of the learning experiences for the children.
Technology is used to improve on existing things; children gradually are exposed to see the need for something, designing it and evaluate it with a view to improving on it. The need for this is because the world is constantly looking for ways to improve on existing things with a view to making life better and simpler for themselves. The early introduction of these facts to our pupils places them on a strong pedestal of being solution providers and sought after individuals in the society due to their acquired entrepreneurial skills and their knowledge and understanding of the way things work.
Religious Studies:
This subject focuses on raising a spiritual minded individual who can trace their origin to One GOD who created man and the world. The subject is taught separately as Christian religious studies and Islamic religious studies each with its unique beliefs and teachings. Various moral lessons are learnt through historical accounts of religious heroes and places. Moral lessons are also drawn and linked from these historic accounts. The fundamentals of each faith are taught to build the fear for God and respect for humanity. Our aim is to build a spiritual minded child that love, honors and references the Almighty God.
Social Studies:
The learning experience of social studies enables children to be aware of their surroundings, and past history to give them a sense of identity and belonging. They are also taught the physical features of their immediate society and that of others.
ICT- Information Communication Technology:
The children are taught basic computer appreciation as a tool to enhance their learning in other curriculum areas.
PSHE – Personal, Social, Health Education:
Children need time to learn to grow, live together as valued members of the community with a view to becoming informed, active, responsible citizens. They develop their knowledge, skills and understanding to lead to healthy, confidence and independent lives.
PSHE teaches children about themselves, their uniqueness and how to become increasingly responsible for their learning. The subject also encourages them to recognize and celebrate diversity within their own and other cultures.
Through arts, children will be taught to observe closely and express their ideas using various materials like clay, pens, and paints to produce pictures, collages, needlework, crafts, and models.
They would be taught a variety of skills relating to each material; and will have the opportunity to study different artists to gather ideas on subject matters and techniques as well as looking at pictures for enjoyment
notation and composing with the help of many tuned and unturned percussion instruments.
Physical Education:
Diverse blends of activities are pursued to develop co-ordination, physical fitness and an understanding of healthy lifestyles. Karate as a sport serves as a means to inculcate discipline, improve concentration and mental alertness in children. Dance as one of our club activities is used to accentuate body and mind coordination, which is good for concentration. It also increases body flexibility and helps in gross motor development in the child.
Language Arts:
At FIS the children are exposed to our locally spoken language and French as a foreign language.
Civic education:
This subject exposes children to know their rights and responsibility as citizens of Nigeria. They also get to know about the roles and responsibility of the government.
Co- curricular activities include:
- Drama
- Jet club
- Homemakers
- Medicals
- Dance club ( Ballet & Contemporary dance)
- Karate club
- ICT club
- Swimming club
- Football club